Women Ablaze Ministries is a non-profit public charity. We are composed of Christians from different denominations that have like minds and hearts and are committed to helping others, as God directs, to make an impact in our community through our outreach to at-risk women. We believe as we help women become contributing members of society it will make a difference in our community and our city.
Linda Lee White founded Women Ablaze Ministries in 2000 when God told her to "mobilize". It began in the early 90's when Linda became involved in prison ministry through her church and later led the ministry. God used this experience to open her eyes to the great need for discipleship inside and outside of the prison. As the women go through the discipleship process, God restores and reconciles them in the most miraculous ways. Because of the love of Jesus Christ, we have seen women reconciled to God, set free of addictions, healed in family relationships, lost dreams come alive again, and women healed both physically and emotionally.
Working with the women on the "inside" and then providing a home-like atmosphere on the "outside" has proven to be a successful combination to help these ladies become restored.
We believe what we are doing is on the "heart of the Father" and He works through our dedicated volunteers and partners to make all of this possible.